(NOTE: The Constitution will be followed by the Bylaws and Rules arranged contiguously by subject. For convenient reference, corresponding article numbers are used in all three sections. The letters C, B, or R denote articles of the Constitution, Bylaws or Rules, respectively.)

ANGASABE Mission Statement

Our mission is to

  1. promote information exchange and networking among agricultural, biological, and food engineers of African and Non-African origin that are interested in the development of agricultural technology in Africa;
  2. facilitate collaboration in research;
  3. foster educational exchange;
  4. enable technology transfer to Africa; and
  5. encourage professional development among members.




Section 1. The name of this association is African Network Group of ASABE (ANGASABE), hereafter referred to as the Association.

Section 2. The Association was established on July 1, 2008, during ASABE annual meeting held in Providence, Rhode Island, USA.

Section 3. The Association shall be governed by this Constitution and by Bylaws and Rules in harmony therewith.


Section 1. The objectives shall be to provide an increased level of service to the members of the Association, the international community (especially to those that have interest in Africa) as well as to enhance the image and profile of ASABE internationally.

Section 2. Provide individuals interested in agricultural, biological and food engineering technology development in Africa with increased opportunities for information exchange and networking by providing various forums through which these may take place.

Section 3. Provide increased recognition and a higher level of service to educational institutions in Africa to enhance collaborations in various related fields to the profession and increase networking and exchange of expertise.


Section 1. The membership shall consist of Members, Honorary Members, and Student Members.

Section 2. Every person admitted to membership shall be subject to the Constitution, Bylaws and Rules of the Association.

Section 3. Every person admitted to membership shall also be a member of the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers (ASABE).


Section 1. Qualifications and selection procedures for membership grades shall be provided in the Association Bylaws.


Section 1. The admission fees for membership in the Association shall be as provided in the Bylaws. The Executive Board may, by a three-fourths ballot vote of its members, change the existing schedule of admission fees.

Section 2. The annual dues for membership shall be as provided in the Bylaws. The Executive Board may, by a three-fourths ballot vote of its members, change the existing schedule of annual dues.

Section 3. The Executive Board may designate any member as a Life Member at its discretion. A Life Member is someone who has paid or been chosen to be a member for the rest of his/her life. Like a regular member, a Life Member is accorded all rights and privileges of membership. In addition, a Life Members may receive a significant discount on ANGASABE event fees and sales.

Section 4. The Executive Board may waive the fees or dues of any member for any special reason.


Section 1. The affairs of the Association shall be managed by an Executive Board chosen from its membership, that shall have (1) full control of the activities of the Association subject to the limitations of this Constitution and the results of letter ballots, and (2) power to enact, amend, or repeal Bylaws and Rules in harmony with the Constitution.

Section 2. The Executive Board shall consist of the President, the immediate Past President, Vice President, and Secretary.

Section 3. The Executive Board shall meet at least once a year at a mutually agreed upon time and at the call of the President. A simple majority shall constitute a quorum of the Executive Board.

Section 4. The Executive Board shall provide a complete annual report of the business affairs of the Association, which shall be presented at and form a part of the proceedings of the annual general business meeting.


Section 1. Election of the President and members of the Executive Board shall be held annually by e-mail and the returned ballots shall be counted under the supervision of the Nomination Committee.

The election of the Executive Board is a mix of two processes: natural succession and/ or open election. Natural succession is encouraged to help with continuity and experience gathering. However, every year all executive position shall be open for any qualified candidate to contest for irrespective of whether the incumbent or next in line by succession is interested or not.

  • Natural Succession: The Vice President (VP) automatically becomes the candidate for the President position, and the Secretary becomes the automatic candidate for the Vice President’s office. Where the Secretary becomes the VP candidate, the position of Secretary will be open to qualified ANGASABE members to contest for. Likewise, the position of the President and the VP in an open election. The position of Student Representative is terminal after one or two years of being elected.
  • Open Election: ANGASABE members vote for one President, one Vice President, one Secretary, and one Student Representative from a list of candidates approved by an Election Committee.

Nominations shall be submitted to the Nomination committee before the annual meeting (two months before annual business meeting is encouraged). The candidate that receives the largest number of votes shall be elected. In case of tie votes, the Executive Board shall take appropriate action to break the tie. If an election cannot be held by e-mail in advance due to any uncontrollable reason, the election may be conducted at the annual meeting when at least 20% of the voting members in good standing are in attendance. Election results shall be conveyed to the candidates and members and also presented at the Annual Meeting for recognition.

Section 2. The President, Vice President, and Secretary shall serve a one year-term and may be re- elected for a total of two successive terms. The Executive Board shall have the power to fill Board member vacancies by appointment until the next election.

Section 3. All members of the Executive Board shall assume their respective positions at the close of the last Board meeting.


Section 1. The officers of the Association shall consist of the President, Vice President, Past President, and Secretary of the Association.

Section 2. Any vacancy in the office of Secretary shall be filled by appointment by the Executive Board.

Any vacancy in the office of President, Vice President, and Past President shall be filled as follows:

Position to be filledPerson to fill vacancy (1st Alternative)Person to fill vacancy (2nd Alternative)
PresidentVice PresidentExecutive Board Appointment
Vice PresidentSecretaryExecutive Board Appointment
Past President APast President BPast President C


Section 1. The annual [general] meeting of the Association shall be held at times and places as the Executive Board shall appoint.

Section 2. There will be an annual business meeting of the Association held during the annual ASABE meeting. At business meetings ten members shall constitute a quorum.

Section 3. An action of a business meeting of the Association shall be deemed an action of the Association as a whole. Any expenditure by such action is subject to approval and authorization by the Executive Board.


Section 1. The Executive Board may authorize the organization of Professional and Technical Committees composed of members of any grade, which shall operate under the provisions of the Constitution, Bylaws and Rules.


Section 1. The Geographic Units composed of all members in the defined area shall operate under the provisions of the Constitution, Bylaws and Rules.


Section 1. At any business meeting of the Association any person entitled to vote may propose in writing, an amendment to the Constitution, if it shall bear the written endorsement of at least five members.

Such proposed amendment shall not be voted on for adoption at that meeting but shall be open to discussion and modification and to a vote as to whether, in its original or modified form, it shall be e-mailed to the Association members.

If the members present at the meeting, not less than ten voting in favor thereof, shall so decide, then the Secretary shall e-mail to each member entitled to vote, at least sixty days previous to the next business meeting of the Association, a copy of the proposed amendment as so decided by the said vote, accompanied by any comment the Executive Board may elect to make.

The adoption of the amendment shall require a vote in its favor of two- thirds of the votes cast.

The President of the Association following the close of the ballot shall announce the result, and if the amendment is adopted, it shall thereupon take effect.

Section 2. This Constitution shall go into effect upon announcement of its adoption by two-thirds of the votes of members voting.


(Arranged contiguously by subject) (June, 2010)


Part 1. Every question that comes before a meeting of the Association or of the Executive Board shall be decided by a majority of the votes cast, unless otherwise provided in the Constitution, Bylaws and Rules. Votes may be made by e-mail, except on matters on which action in a meeting is specifically required.

Part 2. Except otherwise specified, a simple majority of any group within the Association shall constitute a quorum of the group. Action will be determined by a simple majority of members present and voting.


Part 1. The objects of the Association shall be accomplished by:

  1. Establishing mutually beneficial cooperation and working relationship between the Association and related professional societies in Africa and other countries.
  1. Encouraging joint research projects, sabbatical leaves, visiting scholarship, mutual delegation visits between Association members and agricultural, biological, and food related societies in Africa or other countries.
  1. Sponsoring or holding scientific symposia or conferences to provide forums for presenting and discussing issues on education, research, and development related to the engineering profession in Africa.
  1. Holding meetings for the presentation and discussion of original research, education, and technology transfer.
  1. Publishing research and education materials presented by Association members.
  1. Publishing annual newsletters of the Association.
  1. Developing a Web site for the Association.


Part 1. MEMBER ASSEMBLY: The Member Assembly shall be the authoritative governing body of the Association. There shall be two types of Member Assembly: the Annual Meeting and the Special Meeting.

Part 2. EXECUTIVE BOARD: The Executive Board shall consist of President, Vice President, Past- President, and Secretary. The President, Vice President, and Secretary are elected by the voting members each year.

The Executive Board shall conduct the affairs and business of the Society between Member Assemblies.

Part 3. PRESIDENT: The President shall be the Chief Executive Officer of the Association, presiding over the Executive Board and Annual meetings, performing other duties and exercising other power as the Executive Board shall delegate. The President may appoint special committees and an additional Secretary and other staff during his/her term to assist with the affairs of the Association.

The President’s duties are to ascertain that programs, meetings, and other activities of the Association are properly planned and executed, and to oversee the officers and each committee in carrying out their functions.

The President shall serve for a term of one (1) year and may be re-elected for a total of two successive terms.

Part 4. VICE PRESIDENT: The Vice President shall assist the President, formulate plans for his/her presidency including appointing Committee chairpersons for each Committee, and succeeding the presidency during the annual Member Assembly.

The Vice President usually serves as the chairperson of the Annual Meeting Committee and performs the duties of the President in the President’s absence.

The Vice President shall serve for a term of one (1) year, and may be re-elected for a total of two successive terms.

Part 5. PAST PRESIDENT: The Past President shall assist the President in all aspects of the operations of the Association. The Past President shall also assist the Nomination Committee in completing the slate of officers of the Society for election.

Part 6. SECRETARY: The Secretary shall keep the minutes of all meetings of the Association, maintain membership records, update the Association’s directory and perform all other duties pertaining to the office of the Secretary. The Secretary shall serve on the Publication Committees and be jointly responsible for the Society’s newsletters, and other publications.

The Secretary shall serve for a term of one (1) year, and may be re-elected for a total of two successive terms.

Part 7. STUDENT REPRESENTATIVES: The Student Representative serves to represent the interests of the students within the executive committee and lend a voice to issues that concerns students’ welfare and support.

The Student Representative shall serve a term of one (1) year and may be re-elected for a total of two successive terms.

Part 8. TECHNICAL COMMITTEES: Technical Committees shall be formed on an as-needed basis by groups of members with common interests in their professional activities.


Part 1. The Nomination Committee shall solicit potential candidates from the membership in the newsletter before a final list is compiled. Any member may suggest names of candidates for the Vice-President and other elected officers to the Nomination Committee by submitting a biographic sketch of each candidate along with a signed statement of the candidate that he/she is willing to hold office if elected.

Qualification of candidates for Vice-President shall include, but are not limited to: (1) having at least three years of Membership in the Association or being a charter member in good standing, (2) having a record of service to the Association, and (3) possessing good leadership qualifications and administrative experience.

Other candidates shall have at least one year of Membership in the Association in good standing and express sincere interest in serving the Association.

After reviewing each candidate’s qualifications, the Nomination Committee shall prepare a slate of one (1) to three (3) candidates for each position with the ballot form, voting instructions, biographical sketches and nomination statements for the annual election at least two (2) months before the Annual Meeting.


Part 1. To qualify for admission to any position of the Executive Board, candidates should meet the following eligibility criteria:

  1. Officers should have demonstrated a record of achievement guided by their stated duties and manifestos.
  2. More details of description of officers’ duties should be appended to the Constitution and Byelaws.
  3. Each person under consideration for the position of officer should provide a manifesto (one page or less) in line with ANGASABE’s vision prior to elections.
  4. Non-officers will be nominated based on their record of active engagement within ANGASABE or larger ASABE.
  5. Officers will work with the other Executive Committee to define and work towards short and long-term goals.
  6. Officers should provide membership with annual and mid-year reviews guided by pre-established goals via virtual meetings.
  7. Addition of 2 – 3 officers designated [by…] as members-at-large to the Executive Committee should offer support and step into vacuums in fulfillment of tasks, as needed.
  8. Officers unable to physically attend annual meetings should still be considered for reelection based on achievements measured by semi-annual and annual reviews.

Part 2. Honorary Members shall be elected by the Executive Board. The number of Honorary Members elected in any one year shall not be greater than one.

An Honorary Membership is the highest grade of membership bestowed upon an individual who has made significant contributions to agricultural, food, and biological engineering and human well-being in Africa. This individual is proposed by the Executive Board and the award must be approved unanimously by the Board of Elders.

Part 3. An Honorary Member shall be a person of acknowledged professional eminence whose accomplishments in agricultural, food, or biological engineering have an international significance. Nomination and election to Honorary Member shall be in accordance with rules prescribed by the Executive Board. Two negative votes shall defeat an election.

Part 4. A Member shall be a former graduate of a recognized engineering program. A Member should be qualified to conduct engineering research, development, design, applications, administration, or the teaching of engineering.

Part 5. 5 A Student Member shall be an undergraduate or a graduate student registered in a recognized engineering program.

Part 6. 4 A candidate for election to membership shall complete an file application on a form approved by the Executive Board. Any applicant may reapply at his or her discretion.

Part 7. A candidate for individual student membership shall apply on an approved form. The applicant shall be accepted on competent certification of his or her eligibility and payment of the established dues.

Part 8. A student membership may be transferred to a membership upon completion of his or her educational program.


Rule 1. A candidate for admission as a Member shall provide the necessary information requested on the membership application form.

Rule 2. A candidate for admission to the Association as a Student Member shall provide the necessary information requested on the student membership application form which shall then be endorsed by an appropriate department faculty member, preferably a member of the Association.

Rule 3. A nomination for Honorary membership shall include the following information:

  1. Complete biographical statement.
  2. Positions held and overview of leadership responsibilities.
  3. Accomplishments must have significance to agricultural, food, and biological engineering and human well-being, including international significance.
  4. Activities in professional societies.
  5. Written statements by each of five or more members supporting the nomination.