Dr. Toby is an Environmental Protection Specialist at the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS), Policy Program Development (PPD), where he analyzes environmental risks using GIS-based Decision Support Systems for the spatial control of invasive species. He routinely uses GIS ArcMap technology to identify national historic places, natural and cultural resources; and endangered species critical habitats, and to analyze potential effects of APHIS programs on those resources.

Dr. Hebou writes, reviews, and delivers various environmental documentations including Environmental Assessment, Environmental Impact Statement, Risk Assessment, and Categorical Exclusion. His role and expert advice to APHIS programs are critical for the agency’s compliance with Federal laws and regulations (NEPA, FIFRA, ESA, and FFDCA).

Dr. Adjuik holds a B.S Engineering in Forestry and Wildlife Management from the University of Dschang (Cameroon); a M.S Degree in Conservation Biology from the Institute of Zoology University of Liege (Belgium); and a Ph.D. in Biological Resources Engineering from the University of Maryland College Park (USA). Dr. Hebou also owns many professional certifications and awards. In his spare time, he enjoys watching and playing soccer, and gardening with his family.